It's acceptably good
+I think some people might dislike this but the world looks like a more magical, less real version of Middle Earth and that fits the time period we are in where the Elves magic is still powerful, great costume design as well.
+The Elves status of overlords over the humans who were deceived by Morgoth is a cool concept
+Dialogue in general was good
+Great intro scene and set up to the conflict between Galadriel and everyone else.
+Harfeet are pretty cool and comfy

*Honestly most of the episode was forgettable
*Acting was pretty average

-Arondir and that random chick are going to be completely pointless fanfic, I can already tell
-They are making the big mistake of assuming that everyone knows that Sauron is going to return and fuck shit up and thus this show carries this smugness where Galadriel KNOWS she's right (and we know she is, only because we have seen/read the other LOTR/Hobbit/Silmarillion stuff) even though it makes absolutely no sense for her to think anything is wrong and the audience is going to think everyone who doubts her is a fucking moron even though given their perspective they are the ones who should make more sense and her only justification is "muh brother died to Sauron" and "I feel it in me bones". I really hope she doesn't continue to act this way but I'm 98% sure she will for a while. Every cuck fanboy/fangirl will be talking shit about Gil Galad and Elrond like they're morons when it's really just a problem of perspective and lack of weight behind reminding everyone that Orcs literally haven't been seen for years. Then the Book crew will pull up and talk about how it's just a dumb fanfic and every review/opinion on this series will be tainted by pedantic arguments between self righteous nerds instead of just people having fun watching some new Tolkien stuff
- also her jumping off the boat was dumb af

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