This episode just exist to spoiled you about The Sopranos, so with you never watched and want to watch Sopranos, be warned.

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Come on the sopranos has been out for ages, if you haven't watched it yet it's on you

@rodrigoma that's okay, the sopranos is almost as bad as she-hulk.

@celozzip No arguing if it's good or bad. it's two big spoilers for the plot

@mogwaylaven I know it's been 15 years since the series ended, for example, I only went to see the finale in 2011. Marvel's series has a good amount of new-age viewers, who maybe someday want to see the series.

@mogwaylaven There will always be people who haven't seen something no matter how long it's been, and there are always good reasons for that. Obviously, if you go into a Sopranos forum or twitter thread or something, it's on you if you get spoiled, but people shouldn't just expect spoilers for something else in a completely different, unrelated show. I would expect Marvel to be a little more understanding of their audience. Clearly Wong was watching it for the first time, and therefore clearly so will many other people be doing the same. It's kind of a dick move.

@rodrigoma Thanks for the heads up. I literally just started watching it
