Review by DAVY X

Well that sucked,
What the Hella was that.
I thought after the first episode this had potential but after seeing how this is going to play out I am not impressed at all.

This show is that bad, like really piss poor bad it's actually keeping me watching, I know I should walk away now because it is shit but do you know when you are eating and watching telly and a programme comes on with a farmer with his hands up a cows ass
all the way
to his elbows as the cow is giving birth with all the shit and blood coming out and you know you should look away are change channel but you keep watching in disgust as it puts you off your food. Well this is that show and I hate it for that.
It falls into the category of it's really that bad it's slightly good, but it isn't but I'll keep watching it anyway.
The show is Garbage
The acting is Garbage
The Subplots are Garbage,
Should I care about them,
I don't know, but I don't anyway.

None of the jokes land,
It's all cringy and annoying but for some reason
I can't look away.


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