Shout by Skythe

Pleasure 2021

A surprisingly watchable movie. Maybe not something to watch on the big screen with your family or friends, but on your computer with the option to fast forward it's pretty entertaining.

The scenes are also surprisingly well written and acted. Some seem to be improvised, with people misspeaking and it's still all in the movie. Add to the realism.

No, the big porn stars are not male. They're female. You have to be brainwashed not not realize men are just replaceable object in this industry. The only man ppl even remember might be Rocco Sifredi. Women are the stars. It's all about them. And if you think they're mistreated in some genres, you havent been paying attention to the movie. Some ppl (m & f) do that because they love it, or because it pays well. Does the existence of femdom mean the industry is misandrist? Use your head.

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In my comment I do not say that the main porn stars are men, but that it is an industry in which men have a privileged position. And although actresses earn more than actors, it's clear that they are the objects for a mainly male audience. The interesting thing about the film is that the protagonist wants to be a porn star, but her path is unpleasant and hard for her. Some of the scenes that she has to star in are directly rapes.
