Review by RxB

Do Revenge 2022

I really enjoyed that movie, which bases (very loosely) its premises on the plot of 'Strangers on a train' (check at 00:11:54 what Eleanor is reading). I don't exactly get why it's classified as a comedy, if it's one it is more of a dark one, and none of the main protagonists are truly innocent. In support roles there is also Sarah Michele Gellar, the 'Headmaster' lines in a deadpan way, that's really nice, and Sophie Turner has a very small part, that is really good too :)

One of the characters sums up the plot perfectly at some point : "Listen, was all this a little crazy ? Sure. But I'm a teenage girl, we're psychopaths"

Also a big thumb up to Alana Morshead who designed the colorful costumes an to the whole make-up department (who conveys the character evolution though creative, if subtle, make ups (the eyeliner on Camilla Mendes character when she goes batshit crazy for example).

The feel good ending was a little disappointing, but in line with the comedic orientation of the movie (it could very well have ended in gore with very little effort :))

All in all it was a good watch and those 2 hours were well spent :)

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