Have we lowered the bar so low that all we care about now is the prettiness of a show and we careless about story, content and writing?

Yes it looks pretty, but so is the Venus Fly Trap that entices flys to venture into, and slowly wrap around the fly whilst numbing it so it can't fly away and eventually is consumed by it.

The Weta Workshop always do stunning backdrops, models and that was clearly where tons of cash was used but the swords and armour were deficient in budget. But that said you cannot rely just on 'pretty' to sell a story and keep an audience. You can have the best backdrop on a pantomime but if the acting and the writing is like eating stale cardboard you won't keep an audience long.

I have up watching last week's episode half way through as I was bored out of my skull and returned when I could stomach it. I watched this episode after saying I won't but decided to ensure till the end of the season but I can tell you there was nothing in this episode that have me satisfaction in starting that's for sure.

Honestly this episode felt like it was 3hrs long. It was hurting me to stay focused and try to keep the fragments of the whisp of any 'story line'. Dear lord the writing is abysmal in this thing.

It's like the 'pretty', is 'My Precious' of the original trilogy and is hypnotizing an audience into complete submission.

There was nothing in this episode that made me enjoy it and it even made me despise all the more. This is more targeted to schoolage children just coming home from school. And wasn't it Amazon themselves that wanted a show of equal calibre for their own 'Game of Thrones' type drawcard?

Compare just in terms of what is a strong presence on screen and a believable woman fighting, watch 'Anna' as a recent example. The writing of that movie is quite good too.

This waste of time show is like blowing up a balloon then releasing all the air and all you have left is a stretched soggy and flat but colourful piece of rubber that's no good for anyone.

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