Welcome to the two new actors... probably not the best episode to form a proper opinion of their skills as actors, but the episode itself had a lot going on and it was hard enough who was who and why just two actors needed to be changed and yet Ser Christon was his young looking self. And all those kids... are we suppose to keep track of them all? Such a shame Daemon's new wife (for this episode) had a problem, such a beauty.

We have a Dragon population explosion and there are a number of very interesting gaming pieces ahead methinks, for the throne. I'm not really sure why they chose to fast track the prestory into 5 episodes rather than extend the story over the first season. They must have their reasons I guess and we will know soon enough, but it better be a good reason.

We shall see how next week goes...I did enjoy this episode. Gave it a 7/10.

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I don't know if you know this or not
But the book 'Fire and blood ' on which show is based on itself is like a History book.In this book all events of dance of the dragon (Civil war of targeryans) are like chapter so it give a information of an event and jump a storyine a 5 or 10 year jumps.After all the chess pieces(to make reading interesting ) are set you will see what you wish for.
