Shout by Saint Pauly

Triangle of Sadness 2022

This film is not the bloated body of a drowned rich person washed up on the beach. This movie is not the coroner cutting into the cold, colorless corpse of a wealthy man now destitute in death. Rather, Triangle of Sadness is the sharp scalpel mocking the polished skin it slices into as it peels away wealth of blubber to expose the absurdity that lies rotting beneath.

This satire of the affluent may not be the most accessible or the most subtle takedown of the rich (oligarchs and influencers included), but it is far and away the most skillful and entertaining.

I haven't seen all of the films competing at Cannes in 2022, but I don't need to for me to say this is clearly the winner. (And for those who will complain about the vulgarity of the dinner scene, let me just say, "Exactly!")

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