Having just read Killing Floor a few weeks ago, I'm finding this first season of Reacher lots o' fun on its own, as well as a well-done re-imagining of the same basic story. Differences are here and there, most of 'em (as far as I can tell) changes to or combinations of elements from the book in ways that work more efficiently for video story-telling, and all still pointing toward roughly the same story-line and presumable conclusion.

Until now.

This episode jumped off those rails so much more widely, especially with that last scene, that I'm suddenly wide open to a different version of the merging of and resolution to this story. I'm going to guess that it can't go off in too different a direction, simply because Reacher intends a second season and they'd probably want it to continue to resemble the next book, but... I'm increasingly curious how they're going to get there, how different (and yet similar) it's going to look.

I'm not one that generally needs the videoization of the book's story to flow just like the book. I'd be fine if it did, but tweaking things to give us who've read the book some surprises isn't a bad thing, either, IMO. I do like that Jack Reacher, Roscoe Conklin, and Oscar Finley are all very similar to how I imagined them in the book (even if Picard and Old Man Kliner seem rather different). And I'm likin' the tweaks (including the dog), while I hope it doesn't veer too far into something entirely else.

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