Shout by DeShan Dumas

Interview with the Vampire 2022

It is my opinion this show has so far got it right by ANNE RICE!!

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@deshan101 having a 19 year old play claudia = not so much. they went even further from the book than the movie did on that. pretty tough to show them being punished for turning a child when that child is 19.

@mikedmeyer The character is 14, which I think would still make sense for it to be frowned upon, especially if you consider how sexualized vampirism is frequently portrayed. It's hard to say how well they will adapt this change since the episodes with Claudia aren't out yet, but from what I've seen in the trailers and such, her acting and styling make her seem juvenile enough to not seem like a 19 year old. You also have to remember that she has to eventually play a very old adult character in a minor's body, and this casting gives them the option to do things that they maybe otherwise couldn't if they got an actual minor to play her.
