Review by Irine

Eraser: Reborn 2022

What are you guys talking about it wasn't even that bad?
Disclaimer: I did not see the original.
Yes, the CGI was fucking hilarious but the rest was good. What do u want from a spy movie?
Dominic Sherwood and Jacky Lai were miles ahead of the other actors. Honorable mention to Eddie Ramos.
I'm watching the original movie right after this one and I'm coming back with the comparison.

Welcome back, everyone! It's been 1 hour and 54 minutes for me and I think you got a big ass case of nostalgia. What the fuck was even that? The rhino CGI was for sure an homage to the original. The reboot was a step up. The original one doesn't hold one bit. To be perfectly honest I don't get Arnold Schwarzengegger's charisma? Sue me. I don't think he's that good of an actor. The banter wasn't good. I couldn't give less of a shit about the weapon or whatever, it's been done to death. I liked seeing Rina just fucking girlbossing throughout the entire movie. The fighting scenes were done a lot better than in the original. Yes, the original was made in 1996 but man Titanic was made in 1997, they could've done a lot better. From a rewatchability standpoint I would totally watch the reboot again.

I'm back with some Arnold Schwarz slander, that man can't act for shit.

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@irina_elenamn For the record I wasn't comparing it to the original. I remember really enjoying The Eraser but honestly until after I saw the movie I remained pretty convinced the title similarity was just coincidence. I thought it was a mockbuster until I checked it out. I don't think it's a poor movie because it's a poor remake. I think it's a poor movie all on it's own as a movie.

Arnold is a terrible actor but what he does have is screen presence. Honestly he'd have to just based on the sheer body of work he had at that point. He'd had more major movies than Dominic Sherwood had in total by the time he did Eraser. That does have it's own value even in someone who at that time (and still now) is a pretty bad actor otherwise.

What do u want from a spy movie?

Better writing. ESPECIALLY for a spy movie. In my review I tried to highlight that I wasn't just dinging it for the low budget and the awful CGI or the questionable fight scenes. Comparing either movie to the insanely budgeted and successful once in a generation film like Titanic is kinda silly in my opinion. Titanic was not a general marker of films from 1997.

Even looking at the prologue in both films. (I'm not taking the time to rewatch the entire of the original right now). In the original the Eraser saves a guy, splattered him with blood and then crafts a narrative using body doubles and photographs, a firebomb that he ensures is seen by officials to create a narrative that the guy died. It's a simple cohesive story. Is it the most believable thing you've ever seen no but it's cohesive and you understand what happened and why. In this reboot, the eraser saves a guy and then shoots him with a blood bullet by surprise. That's it. Both scenes end with an action-movie one-liner "You've been erased". But in the original we see how he's been erased in the new one you're mostly confused why he shoot him with a blood bullet without telling him. His mask was already off so it's not like he was doing it for a video (which would have been a nice update and honestly fixed the entire scene). Not to mention shooting people with blanks isn't like paintball. You can kill someone with that (But I'd be willing to concede that as a nitpick). It's just a silly underwritten scene that could have gone far to show how cool and slick the Eraser is and instead just kinda limps along cutting out half way. One of the many reasons for that scene is to justify that one liner "You've been erased" the original film does make that case. The newer film doesn't.

@irina_elenamn Watch the original and you will see how bad this version is.
