I saw some scenes and immediately turned any notifications off, thought it would be another Thai Bl, heavy with sexual scenes. I don't have anything against such dramas, I watched them when I feel like it. I started watching 180 degrees bc I felt like I needed sth like that. But after 1st episode I already knew it isn't that. ut then Ive found myself at the end of 3rd episode and I was mesmerized. Almost all scenes are in two or three rooms of one home, the rest are on the outside of the house. The drama consists of long dialogue scenes and silent staring in the distance but I couldn't bring myself to turn it off or even skip the scenes with the mother whom I still hate. There are couple of scenes where the acting made me so immersed I was gasping and covering my eyes to not see the immense hurt of the characters. And I'm not a person who entertains herself watching sad dramas or even sad scenes in their entirety. I wish I knew it isn't a happy ending but then I wouldn't have watch it as I never do dramas I know will be sad. It just isn't for me. And I'm also conflicted bc ok, I got the message at the end (the subtitles) but it really made me angry for watching it bc 8 eps all having 45 min and it came a full circle, characters was exactly the same as they were at the beginning. Maybe Wang was slightly different but I don't really think so, he was just true to himself the whole time so really I don't see a change in him as well. Which is infuriating, at least I wanted for the mother to acknowledge ANYTHING bc she is the worst and I couldn't stand her.
I think it was beautifully made but without a point. They had to spell it out bc the plot wasn't made for understanding it this way. I learn more seeing a change in a character, owning their mistakes and make different decisions, not going full circle and starting again.

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