Review by Creepaface

The Purge 2013

I know I had said in my Halloween Ends review it drew traces of Haneke for me, and well, after finally checking this franchise out, it feels VERRY Haneke. Specifically a riff of his infamous Funny Games.

Although short, the film acts as a unique meditative experience and psychological home invasion thriller. I feel like most people came into this movie expecting something flashy and gore-infested ala something like Zombieland, and maybe the sequels have more of that stuff, but I heavily appreciate how this film gradually illudes from excessive violence and gives us an unholy cryptoic messaging around every corner, firstly with the addictiveness of sin, and secondly with the hypocrisy of the richest of society. It makes us ponder why we'd want violence at all, and why the nature of death and chaos fascinates us; commentating on our hyper-idealized and romanticized worldviews on what is right and wrong and how that spells our inhuman separations, and ultimately what leads us to take pleasure in chaotic behavior. It's certainly underrated to me, where every other critic is poking at simply the concept of the movie and not the actual work itself; same thing happened with The Matrix.

Where this film loses me is its odd choices in character depth and having pointless bodies get killed off fairly quickly with no real use. Not to mention, this film falls victim to the deus ex machina savior trope; of some random person off-screen coming to save the day. Not asking for a happy ending, but at least go the full track if your willing to run the mile.

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