So the whole thing is because the king said the name of that dude, but his wife thought it was the name of their son? Wtf is this kindergarten bullshit?
Also I've never yelled dracarys so much as I did at the end of this episode.

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@timeraider I dunno, our real life history is full of wars that began for stupider reasons than this. And this world/family has a genuine legacy of dreamers and prophecies.

@TimeRaider It might not have been clear, but Alicent's father, the Hand, has been poisoning her mind for most of her life. One thing she stuck to though is that she will do anything to protect her sons. Also, Rhaenys opened her eyes to this and told her that she understands all to well what Alicent has been through. Had Alicent not stepped in the way, then her son would have been toasted like a marshmallow.
