Review by alexspooky

Dracula 1931

A very amazing movie for something this old, figured I would be bored or something. There's not a whole lot of action but action movies weren't a thing until like decades later so it's not a negative, being one of if not the first horror sound picture, at least the most popular of the first wave, it's pretty great. Bela is great in this and I had no idea Van Helsing was in this or the original book, I thought he was the comic character; Also the Lego Batman director is making a solo Renfield movie so I'm hype for that. Also why doesn't Van Helsing have a trench coat or a cool hat and why isn't he Wolverine, lmaoooo. Helen is also very hot and such a queen! Bela is also a king too! If he was alive today and the same age I bet all the ladies and men would be in love with him like RDJ or Leo Dicapo.

If the rubber bats make you rate this like less than 3 and a half stars bc it's not real bats or looks "cringe", that's cringe itself. People who complain about the bats the same who complain about marvel movies being "99% fake" like bruh all movies are fake unless it's a documentary, like if a book was fantasy would you say it's bad because it's not real? This has been my adhd review of 1931's Dracula thank you for reading my review of the movie that makes up 20% of this review and the other 80% about marvel and Van Helsing.

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