54 minutes of snoozefest that could have been told in 5. Last few minutes are good, but not enough to save the episode.

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@boglesby You should go watch How to Train Your Dragon. Seems to be more on your level.

@strykar Because the back and forth of Allicent and Otto is dreadfully boring compared to how it's handled with Littlefinger and Varys in GoT? Instead of interleaving multiple complex stories with subplots, we get a single dull through line with most of the beats predictable? Instead of distinct characters that you both pull for and against with complex plans and motives, you get a handful of petulant characters that you have no interest in their ploys and just want all of them to die. I get everyone is fanboying over this series, but so far it's been Medieval Days of our Lives in poor lighting.

@boglesby Lol. The source content for this show is the second half of the first volume of Fire & Blood, which is 70,000 words at most. Game of Thrones, the first novel, is nearly 300,000 words. These are television writers not epic writing novelists. Be content with the excellent acting capabilities of the actors to convey what the script cannot.

@strykar I don't know what's funny, you're reinforcing my point. The series so far has suffered from the same problem as the Hobbit....stretched too thin to hold up for as long as they are trying to make it. Fewer, tighter episodes would be much more interesting.

As for the acting carrying the show, they are limited by the writing and character development. Rhaenys is a well defined and rounded character, but the Hightowers mostly come across as 1 dimensional. Maybe we fix the direction in the finale and lead to a more interesting season 2. Everything up until the ending of this episode felt like preamble.
