Shout by Martlet

The Rookie 2018

First 2 seasons are definitely recommended. It got "woke" in season 3 and isn't worth the time anymore. Unfollowed.

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@fatalmuzza I have no idea. I stopped watching it.

@martlet Season 4 has dropped the woke stuff, might be worth trying again?

@martlet It was especially funny how they berated Nolan about how privileged he was when he got arrested. And how if he was black he would most defiantly be shot. While at the exact same time they just let go of the black guy who's accused of the same crime as Nolan. To summarise. black guy accuses Nolan of being bad, Nolan accuses the black guy of being bad. They arrest Nolan, let the black guy go, and then lecture Nolan about how racist the system is, and if he wasn't white, he would have been shot.

@martlet good summary really... it's gone off... was good.

@martlet Yo, wanna spend far too long having a back and forth about how dumb and triggered I am on this review as well?

@martlet It's a great show. The idea that it's "woke" is just the standard alt-right nonsense that gets regurgitated every time any show covers any progressive subject.

@lucas-kell I'm glad you like the show. I disagree. They tried so hard to force woke content into an episode it actually played like satire. The show sucks now. Forced writing is poor writing. Granted, I haven't watched it in over a year so it may have swung back.

@martlet I just don't see it. None of it seemed forced to me. They certainly touched on a bunch of subjects but the entire concept of things being "woke" is flawed in and of itself. In the context of entertainment media it's a label pretty much exclusively used to deride anything that even remotely covers a social or political statement people on the right disagree with.

I personally don't think it's a bad thing that media nods towards current social affairs and it's not a new thing by any stretch. Things like racism and sexism have been topics plenty of times in shows and movies in the past, but it's only now that certain people go into apoplectic meltdown when it comes up.

@lucas-kell We obviously disagree.

@martlet That's funny - I just dropped out of the series after the pilot episode for that reason.

@martlet if you liked it before, you should come back. this season has been amazing so far, the last episode of this last season was great. give it a chance.

Being anti-woke must be exhausting :joy:
