Shout by Stephen Campbell

The Lighthouse 2019

A superbly made film about madness, isolation, alcohol, a pissed off one-eyed seagull, and farts

A bizarre film in just about every way, from its glorious visual and aural design to its grandiose acting to its jet black humour to its wonderful ambiguity to its avenging angels/seagulls, if you thought The VVitch was somewhat inaccessible, then you'll most likely despise every second of The Lighthouse, insofar as its subtlety, slow pace, and narrative abstruseness will surely frustrate those who prefer their horror in the mould of jump-scares and chainsaw-wielding escaped mental patients. However, if you favour the cerebral, difficult-to-define, and always slightly off-camera terror that was the foundational principle of The VVitc, or if you enjoy the oppressive dread of classic German Expressionist films, then you'll find much here to appreciate.

For my complete review, please visit:

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