Shout by tropolite
BlockedParent2022-10-10T05:53:10Z— updated 2022-10-23T13:20:18Z

[How can this episode already have several ratings for it? - original post Oct 10]


What a ride! Hail the Black Queen!

Honour, allegiances, and common sense still become clear in the rising tide of war. The intentional overcome by the accidental rage which more than often starts most wars.

Excellent writing, direction, performances. Every aspect of this show drips high fantasy for adults and for those that don't need everything to be spelt out to them as an audience.

Now this sudden recall of the realisation of the long anticipation between the early seasons of GoT is overshadowing the brilliance of this finale. No matter, I'll just rewatch it!

Thanks cast and crew for this splendid Season 1. And restoring the hope there can still be in Quality entertainment coming to an expecting audience and that all is not lost. 10

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10 replies

Because people are idiots. It's usually the explanation for such things...

@tropolite The people yearn for the true queen, The Black Queen of the 7 realms

@tropolite it has already leaked online

@tropolite because it leaked on torrents ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@alixbee Because it's already out on the torrent sites

@tropolite It was leaked x x

@afternoonchillin i can see that you never read the book

@tropolite it leaked before the official release date

@tropolite it was leaked on friday on torrent. I watched it then and watched it again today.

For everyone saying "It was leaked". It was not leaked when he asked the question two weeks ago..
