Still a little dryly drawn out, but I like the parallel flips of searching both the waking and dream worlds and how they play into each other. The contrasting desperation from Rose and Jed is great, with the Superhero thread embracing its sad playfulness. Seeing the dreams of the others is a shocking sequence, and the build of Lyta's temptation is well played. I haven't mention how wonderful it is seeing John Cameron Mitchell. Shame they didn't have him direct an ep. A little too much Corinthian getting in the way of everything, though I get that's the point, and he does feel necessarily entwined given the escalation of what we're building towards, I just feel a sense of overuse here where he's needed is the price being paid for how they unnecessarily overused him earlier. I especially love Ann Ogbomo as the nightmare who dreams of a different life rightfully taking a stand against Dream, and paying the price as we're reminded he does still have his spiteful obstinacy.

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