Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022) 6.5/10 (Fair)

Every once in a while, there is the occasional film that is difficult to categorize as either good or bad. For me, “Bodies, Bodies, Bodies” is that kind of film. I spent the entire film teetering between thinking it was terrible and thinking it was kind of entertaining. This isn’t a bad film, it’s just a lacking one. It's a lot cleverer and funnier than it initially appears to be. If you approach the film as a parody, I think you'll find it entertaining and, dare I say, fun. It's not bad, even if the characters are, but that's the point: it's a satirical character study of some rich youngsters who are completely out of touch with reality. The big twist wasn't wholly unexpected—in fact, it was almost evident from the start—but it was still a clever twist that made the film stand out from the pack of teen slasher flicks. Sadly, that's about all that works; the rest is dull due to a lack of suspense and flat characters all around. Unless you're in the mood for a satirical whodunnit about a group of unlikeable rich kids who have lost touch with reality, you might want to pass on this.

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