I'm still in two minds about the change to Quantum Leaping tech that they made, namely that they removed the hippy dippy Aura concept and went with "teleporting your mind into someone else's body" because if they used the Aura concept the plot point of "seeing Leaper X's real face " would have worked, but how is it that we're able to see his face when his mind is just inside someone's body?

The other dumb thing in this ep is they are wringing their hands over the idea of a Musk or a Zuck using a copy of the tech but they're okay with this one being a fucking U.S. military project? They don't even consider the army would build another one as a backup or even that the original project was shut down 30 years ago precisely to give the appearance of the concept being a dead-end so they could run another one in secret?

Well anyway it's not as bad as I thought it would be, the "team procedural" approach isn't bad.

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