Shout by Dann Michalski


Season 2

“This is who we are.” Glen Morgan and James Wong take the reins of Millennium in Season 2 and steer it in a new direction. After killing a sociopath who abducted his wife, Frank and his wife separate, meanwhile the Millennium Group begins to vet him to move up in the group and learn their true purpose. Kristen Cloke joins the cast as a recurring character and brings a great new dynamic to the show as a fellow Millennium candidate and investigative partner for Frank Black. However, Megan Gallagher, though listed in the main cast, is relegated to more of a guest star as she becomes Frank’s estranged wife. Also, the tone of the show changes as the cases turn supernatural and the Millennium Group becomes a secret society; which adds a layer of intrigue to the show that was hinted at but not really explored in the first season. Extraordinarily bold and daring, Season 2 of Millennium is incredibly thrilling and full of mystery.

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