Review by Matthew Luke Brady

Hellraiser 2022

"Accept the pain you have wrought. Greater delights await. We wish to see you proceed."

Well, it looks like I am the odd one out here, but I liked the new Hellraiser much more than the original. It makes the wise choice of not copying too much of the original by being less erotic but a much darker version. The puzzle box acts like a puzzle box rather than a genie lamp, where one rub summons the cenobites.

I just felt that I got more out of this one.

Rather than the usual leather costumes that the cenobites wear, this time it's another layer of skin to appear as if they are wearing an outfit. The designs looked Gothic, sickly, and fantastic. The leader of the cenobites, the Hell Priest, aka Pinhead; this time played by Jamie Clayton, who I am happy to say brought her spin to the character. I thought she knocked it out of the park. Incredibly creepy and almost hypnotising to watch. You get the impression that these cenobites are more unforgiving and do not play by their own rules.

David Bruckner, in my eyes, is a horror director who can do no wrong. Some dreamy and often other-worldly visuals here, which at times reminded me of ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’. There has been some talking about remaking ‘Elm Street', and I think Bruckner would do an excellent job judging by this movie.

Also, without spoiling anything, the ending surprised me with how layered, compelling, and mature it was. The scene does not have any action set piece or a bloodbath, but a lot happens. The most striking thing about it is how the worst torture that any human being could experience is to live with the pain of grief.

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