8.5/10 - A nice season finale.

The funny eavesdropping on Leighton.

Canaan having his shirt on backwards :D He seems like such a nice guy btw!

Kimberley's post-cheating drama... :o AFAIK this isn't that big of a deal here in Germany. In my University you simply fail the exam and need to repeat it (it would definitely be super embarrassing and I never heard of anyone cheating (/ trying to cheat) during my time there (only some cases years before) but I don't think there would be that much consequences apart from some hate from the professors).
Anyway, I completely forgot that Kimberley had a scholarship. RIP. Kimberley, you should definitely not cheat with a scholarship!!! (You need to be rich to get away with it :P)

Whitney's mom was super nice at the end :) How sweet!

And Leighton telling Kimberley the truth at the end <3

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