I'm late on this for the first time which is odd because I always made sure to watch live but here we are.

I was pleasantly surprised by this episode. It truly felt like an original episode of the old series. The skepticism from Ben toward the whole exorcism thing was really good and kinda help show more of his character as a more logical guy. Also having Addison not be there as much and having Ben figure it out mostly on his own was good to see. It shows that he isn't just reliant on her to solve his problems.

The leap itself was also an interesting one. It really towed the line on being something actually supernatural and something logical. It had a nice sense of mystery and closeness. Having the entire leap confined to the one house made it feel more digestible whereas last week's felt a little too big since the episode required Ben to run around a whole city. However, being set in the 1930s felt like mostly an afterthought outside of the backstory for one of the characters. Definitely felt like it could've been set at nearly any time period.

I don't know how to feel about next week's episode yet. The promo didn't really give me a sense of what was going on that much. Honestly, I thought Ben had leaped into a younger version of himself for a minute but obviously, that's not the case.

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