Shout by Tiger Warwick

Manifest: Season 4

4x03 High Flight

So for 3 seasons they make Ben out to be a savior, trying to save everybody, a great dude. Season 4 they make him a monster because I'm a dad and losing 1 child should not make you treat the other daughter like crap, the son I can understand for a moment but to act like the baby girl is your only child and the other 2 don't exist equals Bad Writers.

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@tiger451966 Both the other kids are older and presumably able to somewhat defend themselves. Eden is a defenseless 3-year old child completely at the mercy of a deranged killer.

@tiger451966 : it isn't bad writing at all. Anyone who has lost a child would understand what Ben is going through. It’s human nature and not everyone goes through the same stages of grief since it’s different for everyone. It gets so overwhelming that it becomes your only point of focus, trust me. Parents who have lost children tend to become neglectful of their spouse and their remaining children until they’re over their grief. It’s easy to say Ben Stone is a product of bad writing when one hasn’t gone through what he’s going through. I understand him and I feel for him but also for the people around him who care about him and are worried for him.
