Wasn't a big fan of this start to the season in the first two episodes. They seem to want to push as much Beth down your throat as possible and I'm honestly just sick and tired of her character. Not growth, no arc, she's the exact same person she was 5 seasons ago with some added backstory to try and make her feel more sympathetic. Kelly Reilly's acting is some of the best you'll see, but I'm sick and tired of Beth. And I'm especially sick and tired of her dogging on Jamie in the same exact way season after season after season. The show seems to want to keep showing you Beth treating Jamie like dirt, and it's just way too old and repetitive at this point. I still think they should turn Jamie into a full on villain, they've set him up to be a perfect villain but they're not taking that step. I think if he started outwardly fighting the Duttons and actually getting some major victories, especially against Beth, it would add so much to the show. Really anything different and new would make the show better, but they mostly just keep on making the same show season after season. The added politics were fresh and new and very welcome, I actually found this to be the most enjoyable part of these first two episodes simply because it's not just the same old thing. But everything else has gotten too stagnant and overdone. The show also desperately needed more Kayce in these first two episodes. He's the easiest character to root for and without his presence I found myself having a not knowing where to aim my support and therefore not really caring about anything. It also feels like they're bringing in a new character who's whole thing is just going to be being Beth 2.0 so... yay. So there are pieces to enjoy (the politics), but overall disappointed in this premiere. There's a lot of show left this season so I want to be hopeful but I just didn't care for this start.

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