Dean proves again that he's not worthy of Rory. The way he spent all this episode complaining about having to dress nice and learn how to dance... At least he would've complained about something of more substance like Lorelai, he could've complained about it being snobbish and classist and just a stupid tradition to make the elites feel superior (see, none of these would've included feminism and therefore wouldn't have been weird for a young man to complain about to a young woman). And his complaints didn't turn to teasing when he realised that she was really gonna do this as Lorelai's did, he just kept being annoying and disrespectful to Rory.

So sad seeing Richard not accepting that he's getting older. It's not healthy tying your self-worth to your job. I hope they show his journey accepting that he shouldn't aspire to work forever. The time will come to retire, whether you like it or not.

Christopher and Lorelai fit so well together but at the same time, you can see why they couldn't work. I don't know what his business was kissing Lorelai if he has a girlfriend but I find it interesting that he was willing to move and get a stable job for her. When he couldn't do it for Lorelai even when he proposed to her the last time we saw him. Just proves that he doesn't love or respect Lorelai enough. Also, he can't make enough time for his daughter because he got a girlfriend? Babe, the time for your daughter is supposed to be set aside already, it's been 16 years you've been doing this.

That was the first time I didn't find Jess almost unbearable. The ending bit with him dressing up exactly as Luke was actually funny! Hope they lean into that with his character development.

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