Shout by Corey

Disenchanted 2022

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Disenchanted’:

  1. I absolutely loved revisiting these characters — and Amy Adams nailed it once again — but this film failed them. The wicked stepmother premise was a fantastic idea, but the execution was ultimately disappointing and the plot got a little sloppy. Many things didn’t connect. (Why exactly was Giselle dying at the end???) And Dempsey’s character had a ridiculous, unnecessary arc.

  2. That production value. Wow. The difference from the original film is a bit jarring. I know this was a straight-to-streaming project, but many films that go this route still feel like a cinematic experience. This felt like a mediocre episode of Once Upon a Time. It deserved better.

  3. None of the music stuck. Again, in complete contrast to the original, zero songs were catchy. There was more than enough time to create a solid soundtrack.

Bonus Thought: Enchanted was a film with so much heart and humor. There were glimpses of it here, but SO much of that was missing. Super bummed fan here.

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@tvwatcha3 Giselle was dying at the end because the wish was pulling all of the magic away from Andalasia, and that includes any people from there. Since she's made of magic, take that magic away, and she dies.
