Shout by SaltyCatFish

The House That Jack Built 2018

How this went under my radar for so long I don't know, but worth the wait.

First and foremost, this movie is fucked. You will see things that are disturbing, not_necessarily_ gory, but disturbing nonetheless. Seriously, you've been warned.

That aside, this was a ride, one that had me tensing my legs and clenching my jaw until the inverted credits started to roll (hey, just figured out why they're inverted now that I'm typing this). Dillon is superb, in both his acting and more so his narration. Supporting cast also great, but Dillon really carries this one. His stoic and monotone demeanor are terrifying once you see what he's capable of.

Fast paced and fluid, The House That Jack Built has a lot of re-watch value. The cuts to archival footage are long enough to be interesting and short enough to not be tedious, giving you a brief reprieve (at times) from the last "incident" you viewed.

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