Shout by acidfreecookies

Hot Girls Wanted 2015

I'm really sick of the whole "porn is evuuuuhl" angle that this film was pursuing. All I saw was a bunch of nice but not very smart girls making some bad decisions and then blaming everybody but themselves afterwards - one went as far as to compare herself to a rape victim because she voluntarily took part in a scene she later regretted.
I got mad more at the weak support networks those girls had than the porn industry, the worst people in the whole film were one girl's family and friends - her obese mother and "music producer"(read: umemployed) boyfriend making her feel like shit and pressuring her into stopping her career, essentially calling her a prostitute as insult and her boyfriend not even defending her when people at a university party were making fun of her and looking up her porn.
This film glossed over some real questionable practices in porn and instead just highlighted that yes, a lot of 18 to 25 year old girls make mistakes and don't think things through. Hell, one of them thought she couldn't get pregnant if guys pulled out.

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I do agree to the point that these girls arent very smart but I have to add that the Girl who felt like a 'rape victim' took a shady job she shouldn't have taken. Any serious Agency wouldnt have let the girl go alone there. So these not very smart and YOUNG woman should get some sort of protection and thats all the film is trying to tell the world. Porn industry isnt pretty and it isnt save. And thats a fact - if it would be amateur porn wouldnt be so famous. They are build upon making the most money out of cheap shit. That has nothing to do with porn itself being evil. It is not, but the amateur industry behind cheap porn needs to get saver for young girls.

@acidfreecookies This is a very different viev indeed. Didn't think that way. Hmm... now I'm not shure what to think of it. During the film I could agree to a lot of the points made, but would now agree that it isn't very differentiated.
