Review by Ritesh Mohapatra

Freddy 2022

Adequate, Baleful, Inconsistent

Freddy is a satisfactory romantic thriller which works mostly because of Kartik Aryan's solid character study , a sinister tension and chilling sound design. With a shoddy screenplay, the film loses its edge in the second half but serves as an acceptable thriller which is equally dark and alarming. Kartik Aryan dominates yet again.

Freddy primarily fails as a romantic thriller as the writing is extremely inconsistent, the screenplay is mostly unengaging and drags along in the second half. The cinematography, and music is something which needs appreciation as these elements are what makes it watchable. The back and forth fight between the leads seems like a childs play at many moments and doesn't really give you the feeling that you are watching something extremely sinister or dark which this film intends to transition in the second half.

The film is entirely shouldered by Kartik Aryan's elevated and solid performance. His character study of a naive, repulsive, introvert Parsi who seems to have low confidence is just beyond a few lines of praise. His image of being just a choclate boy ends here is what i believe. Alaya F performance at most of the parts is hammy and doesn't necessarily give you the sense of hating her. She just looks like a pretty face who is very new to acting and doesn't really justify this character. Protein Shake on the other hand is on the same line is pretty average in his performance.

Instagram : @stream.genx

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