Shout by Daniel

Hunt 2022

This movie was very bombastic with a lot of A-listers giving a fully engrossed action, suspense, thriller and true realistic historical references that were just that. Which was done as backdrop and trough dialogs, making this fictional plot ramifications feel believable to a point. This movie covered all bases for people that like different kinds of topics wrapped into what was two hours of a blockbuster. After watching this movie, one of the things I would loved to see, was the backdrops for those who also partook in screen time as one of the main character who was the only one that trough his point of view the movie shared his storyline. Would have given more to this ensemble cast a from of cohesiveness and attachment engrossing the experience broader. But how long can you stretch more than 125 minutes without being too much of what it already gave. A great movie that for me, dint messed up but missed some opportunities to include more good storytelling. But seems like that was not its main focus.

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