Shout by Dann Michalski

Bates Motel

Season 5

Bates Motel comes to its inevitable conclusion, a remake of Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, in its fifth and final season. Several months after killing his mother, Norman Bates runs the hotel carrying on as if she’s still alive and when he begins to develop feelings for a store owner named Madeleine Loomis his mother personality gets jealous; meanwhile former sheriff Romero escapes from prison intent on getting revenge on Norman and Dylan returns after learning of his mother’s death. The writers do a pretty good job at adapting and modernizing the Psycho story and make some interesting changes; such as having Sam and Madeleine Loomis still being married and knowing Norman socially before the events with Marion Crane. However, Rihanna is no Janet Leigh and makes for a rather poor Marion. Still, overall the show does an impressive job at wrapping up all of the main character arcs and delivers a powerful finale. Suspenseful and full of thrills, Season 5 of Bates Motel is a fitting end to the series.

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