Except one great space battle nothing happening. Andor is a collection of boring and really great episodes. So far each story arch has started with a quite boring episode and endet with a fantastic episode. Would be nice if we got all episodes of an arch at the same time - make less episodes but each episode about 2 hours. Or make the opening episodes less boring ...

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@markus.schabel Pacing and episodes count is an issue of many TV shows. Andor would have been great 8 episodes show.

I love this pacing and the development of the characters and the universe. I have to completely disagree.

@markus-schabel For you a song would be nothing more than the chorus. No bridge, no buildup, just the most memorable part of the song, because that's what matters right? Because it's the only valuable thing in the song? Nevermind that the fact the chorus stands out the most is because the rest of the song is built in order to MAKE it stand out. The only reason it's rewarding to listen to it, it's beacause you don't get to listen to it the whole time.

There are no "boring" episodes in Andor. There is a web and flow of building and release, of anticipation and climax. The fact you are unable to see this just shows the ignorance of your opinion.

@ggfera Could not have possibly said it any better. That's exactly how I feel about this show and why I like it so much.

@ggfera songs are not 12 hours long! If this were a song, it would be a self indulgent prog rock song with a 20 minutes keyboard solo.

No boring episode. Yeah, right. They are all brilliant and praised.
