Review by MrsReid187

Barbarian 2022

This was so interesting but so weird and the ending was so so shit. Like why did she just escape like that and killed the monster mother thing. Like cmon now. But it was a really interesting film cant lie. I loved how they did different like times and went back and forth. I’m so sad that the Keith guy died like he was so sus but so sweet like aww he let her stay and waited to open the wine what a sweetheart. I can’t lie tho it was funny when the homeless guy was like she never comes here and then she just burst through and killed him like what the fuck. That other guy who owned the house was sooo annoying like first he raped that girl. I wasn’t sure if he actually did but after what he told his friend like you so did you little rat. Plus he throw her off the thingy like what a dick move. He was so annoying his death was so so ahhhh man. Like hes eyes and head getting squashed and ripped was scary. There was a few jump scares especially when the mother monster came like when we first saw her and she killed Keith. She was so scary. I want to know more about what happened to her and that old guy who’s her dad or grandad or something. Like what did he see on the tapes and why was that secret basement door there and what happened to those girls like they didn’t really tell us. Like that was annoying. But yeah. Also when the police didn’t believe her especially the black guy they were so rude like cmon now just look now that hard. Ummm but if I were her I wouldn’t have went back for that guy like you escaped just leave him man not your problem. I can’t lie I was shopping her and Keith so cute. I hope she gets her job too.

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