Doesn’t really feel like a Scorsese film (besides the needle drops), or a late 90s film for that matter. The harsh white lights that pop up everywhere were a little off putting at first, but it helps with the fever dream feeling the film’s going for. I wonder if this is the film that inspired Spielberg for the look of Minority Report, regardless I think it’s done more tastefully here. Nick Cage is very good, he doesn’t go as big with his performance as you might expect considering that it’s about him going crazy. The problem is that it doesn’t really stand out besides that, it’s a little more on the forgettable side of Scorsese’s filmography. It’s all done with competence; I like the grit and dark humor, the second half bangs, but it still can’t escape the feeling of being a lesser Taxi Driver.


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@jordyep The harsh lighting is supposed to emulate photophobia, a common symptom of sleep deprivation.
