Shout by Ariel Rodriguez

Avatar: The Way of Water 2022

Despite the criticism it received, I am one of the people who really liked Avatar (2009) and it is part of my 3D film library. Due to the above, I expected that this new film would please me the same. It was not so. From the first minutes I began to be disappointed: the voiceover that tells what happened in the last decade seemed to me a very poor resource for a film like this. The inclusion, in my opinion forced, of the same villain from the first film only ended up disappointing me and understanding that not only would I not like it the same as the first film, but I would like it much less. The visual effects are amazing, the photography is wonderful, and the characters are adequate. But the plot is not up to all technical achievements. Of course: it is quite entertaining, since its more than three hours do not feel like such once you let yourself be immersed in the story.

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