I'd be lying if I said that this movie wasn't fun and great to watch. I'd also be lying if I said that this film didn't build upon the improvements made during the last outing. However, much of the character work here is quite frustrating. Make no mistake, this film franchise is certainly, to some extent, always going to be a "dumb summer action movie" franchise, but the writers here seem to lose sight of the fact that it's not the characters' dumb decisions that tend to place a film in "dumb summer action movie" territory, but the scenarios in which they are placed. Both the Ethan Hunt as well as one of his antagonists make decisions that don't entirely make sense, or fail to connect dots where they plainly exist, and while for Ethan, much of this is rectified by the end (which is, to be fair, one of the coolest and cleverest endings in the entire series), it just makes his character seem inconsistently written for the sake of dramatic effect.

Nonetheless, this is still quite an enjoyable watch, and if you don't particularly care about the minutia of character consistency in each and every scene, you likely won't find too much wrong with this movie.

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