Shout by Yates

Babylon 2022

It's weird to think that Damien Chazelle thought that La La Land wasn't a sufficient enough love letter to Hollywood so he started it once again.

So instead we get Damien Chazelle's attempt at something darker. Something along the tone of Great Gatsby meets Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, so much that he casts Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie.

A lot of this movie works, in some ways it truly capture the struggles of acting and fame, true human pain and the shallowness of Hollywood. The real fragility of the human condition.

But the pacing is weird, the sub-plots often miss in addition to feeling forced. The script lacks direction, which leaves its never ending-pursuit of greater runtime undermining the themes and emotions.

The audience is left to exit with a few nuggets in an otherwise discombobulated mess of what can only be described as artificial psychedelia. The result is less than the sum of its parts.

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