Shout by Cancer Man

Chambers 2019

Hydroxyzine and fluoxetine have lost their patent hundreds, maybe even dozens of years ago, so next time hire someone who knows shit, instead of paying shitload to Uma Thurman, especially since her role was nothing more than "middle-aged woman who lost stuff".

You already have Winona Ryder, who did equally horrible job in Stranger Things, and the mom from Babadook, they wouldn't even have to show at the set, Netflix could have just Photoshoped their heads on some intern's body, fuck, maybe even both of them, no one would have noticed anyway.

I rate it "yet another series where a high school girl is played by a woman who looks fourty" out of ten

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@CancerMan69 fluoxetine is still being prescribed for depression, though all the facts they told are untrue, it's not highly addictive
