I barely have any words to describe this epic, suspenseful & emotional roller coaster of a finale. I mean it has a LOT of things going on and yet it's all so engaging. A few things:

-My wife still cries over Billy sacrificing himself, but all I felt was satisfaction. I don't care if Billy was abused by his father most of his young life, a shitty person is still a shitty person. You're a free girl now Max.

-I don't care what anyone says. The Neverending Story song scene with Dustin & Susie was absolutely adorable, and Season 4 needs to let Dustin sing more.

-Big props to the visual effects team for their amazing work on rendering the goopy mind flayer and all those fireworks.

-Ooooh, that shot of Mayor Kline getting arrested felt so GEWD!

-And finally, HOPPER NOOOOO!!!!!! T_T

I LOVE these characters so much, and I don't give a shit if their emotional goodbye scenes are cliched, they still made me cry.

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