Review by F

Titane 2021

The author tried too hard for this one, too many themes, too many rough breaks, too many radically different influences. Shocking scenes and visuals for shock value only are so cliched and not worth watching. I think that stylistically it would've been better to go full kitsch in some parts, but I guess that the issue of the budget.
The pacing is so inconsistent, first half of the film is promising, the middle is boring and annoying, I couldn't wait the film to end for at least half an hour of it. Film has a lot of long scenes without any reason for it, should've been at least 10 minutes shorter.

There are some really good stuff, those topics that deal with basic needs of a human individual, to be loved, to be accepted, to be safe.
But that serial killer stuff, Alexia's psycho motivations aren't explained at all, this plot choice served as a cheap set-up for the rest of the film. Lot of gender topics were touched upon without ever deciding what to do with them.

The final scene is biblical and probably saved the film from irrelevancy, although I hoped that Alexia would get killed with that damn hairthing by Rayane.

Don't get how so flawed film got so many important awards. The competition must've stunk.

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