Review by Reza Noach

Strange World 2022

Review by Reza Noach

I really liked this movie. It just felt very human in a way. It’s one of those movies where it feels relatable to a lot of people. Especially in the beginning of the movie the main characters feel like a "normal" happy family. Parents sometimes hurt you by trying to do what they think is best for you. The visuals were pretty good even though I understand why some won’t like the "world". I liked how the Miridian did the mom stare. That was very relatable. The movie has a lot of diverse characters and that makes it even more appealing. I can understand why people would dislike the story as it is a slightly overused topic. (Family & Co. dropped in a unknown place trying to do something but find out they have to do something else instead.) Still I enjoy those types of movies. But I feel like this movie is getting a lot of hate for no reason? People hate on it for diversity? I think that’s pretty stupid. I heard people complain about the dog missing a leg... it really doesn’t matter to the story at all. I just don’t understand all the racist and homophobic people. People making a big thing about Ethan being gay. It’s not impacting the story in any way. My man didn’t even kiss a dude on screen. If you don’t like the movie for the story or look, fine.. but :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:don’t:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: give hate to a movie because of some stupid reason like a character being gay or black.

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