I mean let's face it. That was not a cocktail party. That was an orgy. They had too much fun. I have watched this episode multiple times before but I never realized tbh. I just thought it was a random debauchery. Never thought about it.

This episode was aired way too early. If you don't know how officers usually behave it's difficult to tell when their behavior differs subtly. Thus, all the overacting is necessary to illustrate abnormal behavior. This makes this episode unnecessarily silly and reminds me of some of the worst episodes of the original series. In fact, if I recall this correctly, this is very similar to one of the early TOS episodes. (Btw, like in the TOS episode, i don't understand what this collapsing star has to do with it.)

A more subtle approach would have perhaps made a difference but the core of the story is lame. Even after the COVID epidemic, this story about this disease doesn't convey any major significance. I mean there's stuff in there that is actually building character: Geordie taking about being blind. Beverly talking about her late husband and confessing her attraction to Picard. Worf taking about human humor. If only we knew, whether that was earnest or just fever talk ...

The episode still has its moments. Yes, of course this meme moment . But I also like how Data and Riker bond. I also like how uncomfortable Picard is with emotions or what other people would call usual human behavior. He kept this character trait until the end of the show.

PS: it's episode two, and I already hate this boy. Some might say he behaves like that because he's intoxicated. I can't see much difference to his usual annoying behavior.

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