Shout by Michal Kaluza

The Last of Us 2023

It's the worst show I've ever watched. After one episode I can say that it is not suitable for watching. The series was filmed to scare, upset and bring a lot of negative emotions into life. Completely different than, for example, The Walking Dead. It introduces anxiety, elements that were during the last war - a scene with a boy with a child admitted to quarantine. Then thrown on the pile. Probably a series for subliminal coding of negative emotions. Don't watch it. The whole thing is probably filmed according to the current pandemic narrative.

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@michalkaluza it’s based off a game which they did a damn pretty good job on it

this series is based on the Last of us game. it literary shows the events in the game. If its not to your liking fine. But it really does a good job of displaying the story.

I read your statement twice I guess, which is two times more than it is actually worth it and I still don't get who you are to even imagine disliking the greatest video game story (or way of storytelling) of all time and how you can evrnthink about COVID-19 while watching it:type_5:‍♂. I mean, your life has to be very bad if you make a statement like that. No offense

@michalkaluza do you even know what this show is about?? Of course it has negative emotions, it shows an apocalyptic outbreak that kills/turns almost all of humanity, did you expect rainbows and kittens? And if you dont know anything about it or where its coming from just say its not for you but dont slander it just because you cant handle it.
And no, its filmed according to the game (which it looks like you never heard of) and has nothing to do with covid.

@michalkaluza you totally miss the point. That kid was infected. And there is no cure. No nothing. No hope.
Until.... End of episode 1.
Plus I hated walking dead, i dont watch any of it.
And this I love so far after 2 episodes.

@michalkaluza its based off the games which came out over 10 years ago.

@michalkaluza spot on; I find it interesting how it is rated so high!

@michalkaluza What are you talking about?

"It's the worst show I've ever watched" sorry I've just stopped reading after you said "After one episode I can say.."

@michalkaluza "negative emotions" wait till you get to season 2 you aint seen shit

@michalkaluza Giving things a 1 or 10 says enough about one's perception and shortsightedness. I almost can't imagine in my life that I gave something under a 4 or a 10. Tastes differ, but when you give something a 1 you have no sense for nuance or interpretation. In your profile you seem to like a lot of sci-fi. A lot similar to mine even. I can't imagine that you find this show absolute shit. All the power to you, but maybe revisit it in a month or two and see what you think then.

@michalkaluza "Completey different than, for exemple The Walking Dead"

Probably because it's not the same show ?


@skal_db I wouldn't even bother. Just someone trying to polarise, be different and get attention. This always happens been people don't like joining the "bandwagon".

Tell me you're a snowflake right winger without telling me you're a snowflake right winger

@michalkaluza Did you get fired off the show or something? This is, so far, the best video game to movie/TV adaptation I have encountered. I played part 1 of the video game about 3 years ago and knew it had some really good ideas that would translate to a TV series. I wish someone would be able to do the same thing and make a tv series based on all the assassin’s creed stuff. Some really good ideas in those games too.

Cuckoo in the clock department you are, ain't ya?

@michalkaluza when you take a step back and realise this show is an almost perfect adaptation of a video game that came out a decade ago, maybe then you might realise just how idiotic and narrow minded your little rant was. Literally, pick any episode at random, go to YouTube and find a show/game comparison and you will see how identical it is, long before the Covid pandemic even began

I’m confused it says you didn’t watch it ? Anyways it’s based on a video game with the same name’s story that came out in 2013. So you shouldn’t rule it out as covid propaganda your should give it another chance and keep that in mind.

@michalkaluza I'm sorry I find this comment pretty funny. Clearly you shouldn't watch content that upset you but why the need to rate this 1, just because it doesn't fit your need?

@michalkaluza What the hell are you on? You clearly have no idea what you're talking about lol

@michalkaluza Are you having a laugh, as others have said It has noting to do with Covid and It's based off a 2013 Playstation game.
Maybe do some research before rating a Series, Better still watch it.

There's a village somewhere, I'm sure their missing you.....

keep your negativity to yourself

@michalkaluza's a drama?

@michalkaluza This show is a tv version of a Video game released on Playstaion 3 in 2013. It also had a pegi rating of 18, so is targeted at adults. Its probebly the best video game adaption they have ever done. You are correct though, it was made to be dark scary and upsetting which can introduce anxiety. I think they should have had more warnings on it before release.

@michalkaluza just so you know, the story was introduced ~2013 in the last of us game :)

@michalkaluza Thats a thought, but most TV seems to accept the narrative now?

Wow Disney must really love you with its modern-day woke media. Well guess what son this world ain't all sunshine and rainbows there is a boogie man under the bed and everything ain't hunky dory and peachy sneaky in the world
