KORRASAMI!!!! That was the dankest of endings. What a great series. While "The Legend of Korra" wasn't as consistently good as "Avatar", I was still very entertained and loved getting more of this world. Sequel to the sequel, please?

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Reply by ManiacB

Korra x Asami OTP? :P

OPReply by deanzel

Honestly, any pairing that leaves out Mako is OTP imo :P

"lol they were lesbians the whole time, despite having absolutely no romantic scenes outside of the very end and both explicitly going after the same guy for two and half seasons." Fan Pandering at its worst, in the real world two teenage girls going out with the same guy at the same time would hate each others guts. Terrible that a show that had such accurate human reactions throughout 3 seasons just jumped the shark at the very end so they could get some free advertising on social media and a reputation for being accepting of different lifestyles despite clumsily throwing it in at the very end and tainting an otherwise great ending. She honestly should've ended up alone and happy
