Looking back, from the perspective of a person who played the game many times, this is both a great love letter to long time fans, and gives a new spin on a well done character that had the potential for some really good lore, which was presented quite well here. I'm happy with the direction of where they went with Bill & Frank's story. I have no clue where they will be going in the next episode, so I will be watching closely to see if they go crazy off trail in the next episodes, but this one felt good. As a piece of work, this hit the emotional marks alongside the story aspects quite well, while also tying in the stories of our main characters throughout the episode. I'm trying to grasp the lens of what a first time watcher would be experiencing, such as those who haven't played the game. I wouldn't call it a filler episode, but it does hit the mark of a self contained story, though it connects to our main story, and helps continue Joel and Ellie's journey. This episode reminds me of what you would see in a show like Atlanta on FX, where the entire episode revolves a self-contained story of one character, and then the main characters would show up at the end, and possibly mentioned or pop up throughout the episode. This was a pretty rough ramble, but it was well done in the sense of a self contained story, branching off of our main journey with Ellie and Joel, which I do appreciate in many shows. This episode contains such beautiful and heavy themes, and it is interesting to show that there are bright spots like this within the bleak world of The Last Of Us.
In the end, I enjoyed this episode, I am pretty happy we got some really juicy Bill and Frank lore. I wish we got to see some conversations with Ellie and grumpy Bill , but it's alright, I'm sure we will be able to whiteness more fun Ellie moments throughout the rest of the show. By the way, the performances were absolutely beautiful. I managed to really connect to these characters, and hang on to what they had to say, alongside the amount of empathy I had for them. A beautiful story was told, and though it is different than the source material, which I typically am not a fan of, I was happy to be brought on this lovely adventure.

It's 1:30 in the morning and I'm waiting for my photos to render, so I decided to comment on this episode while I wait lol. I am very tired so mind my poor grammar lmao

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