After watching the season final I really don't know what to make of it. Jen discovering her powers would have been too on the nose so I was wondering what the cliffhanger would be.
In "MALE" shows it's always justice, revenge, betrayal while for most "FEMALE" shows it's either parents/kids or relationship changes ( marriage, divorce, etc )
So yeah I was a little bit underwhelmed when a show that, so far had balanced the rough with the romantic; had gone such an obvious path.
The writers probably felt the same way, because they course corrected and let the "cat lady" end up dating her actual cat. But the big twist, finding his family, felt right out of a Spanish TV novella
So now I have to root for Kash & Jizz, a scrub and a pet? While there are "real" superheroes flying around, not to mention centuries of Don Juan's ( heck even the original ) Carrie can summon.
The show wouldn't be the same without Kash and Jizz but we "wingman" are going to need a bit more redemption to make the difference with a guy like Luke.

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